From the original illustration series by the popular illustrator Paseri comes Shizuku Kamino. Sculpted to show off the beauty of Shizuku in lingerie. This item comes with both cute smiling...
"I came to save you from boredom——"From the anime series "SSSS.GRIDMAN" comes a scale figure of Akane Shinjo. The figure is based on an illustration by Masaru Sakamoto, character designer...
Celebrating 15 years of the Fate/stay night girls, with many more to come. From the Fate/stay night ~15th Celebration Project~ comes scale figures of Saber, Rin Tohsaka and Sakura Matou...
The garage kit produced and sold by the master sculptor, GRIZZLYPANDA at the event was released as a complete figure under the supervision of TYPE-MOON!With a Sequence of water guns...
You Can do it! A figure from Ito Life! "Whenever I feel frustrated, whenever I feel down, whenever I'm trying to give it my all, if only there were some...
On the night of Halloween, a most dangerous beast arises…From the popular smartphone game "Fate/Grand Order" comes a scale figure of Mash Kyrielight in her costume based on the Halloween...